27 February 2014

The Book Cake Tag

Since Ebony from The Book Bee tagged me, I have to do this tag - and I don't mind, I like tags! This tag consists of 7 different ingredients, and there is a question for each ingredient, all you have to do is answer the questions and voila, you have a book cake! 

Before I start, I want to tag some people. I tag Michelle from Book-Munchee, Jayd from books, food & other things and Rebecca from Life & Eyeliner

Now on to the tag:

Shutter Island

I read Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane a couple of years ago, and I absolutely loved it! There is a bunch of plot twist throughout the entire novel, the setting is amazing! I believe it was the first book I ever read that was set in a mental hospital - which because of that book, is one of my favorite settings.
It was a bit slow in the beginning, because we start out hearing about how our main character Teddy is sea sick and then hearing about his childhood - but when they arrive at Shutter Island, the story totally picks up and you can't put it down!

The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)

I have read The Da Vinci Code 2 times I believe, and I love it! It is packed with interesting facts and I love the whole "religion vs. science" theme going on. I love how Dan Brown has created his characters and how he has created this mystery that is one of the most intriguing and mind-blowing mysteries ever. I recommend this book to everyone! Along with Angels and Demons and The Lost Symbol (I didn't like Inferno that much)

Tomorrow, When the War Began (Tomorrow, #1)

We had to read this in school a couple of years ago, and generally books we had to read in that class was really boring so I obviously thought this book was going to be boring as well. But I loved this book, I believe I gave it 5 hearts back then and I am thinking about re-reading it and starting the series. We only read the first one and I didn't know it was a series back then... But let me know if you have read the series and whether or not I should give it a try. 

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

I read this book in one sitting! It was so sweet and enjoyable that I just couldn't put it down. I posted a review of this book on Wednesday, I gave it 5 hearts and I recommend it to everyone!

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

I have read The Hunger Games 3 times, the first 2 times was within 2 or 3 months I believe, and the 3rd time was last year - I love this series so much. It has its funny moments, sad moments, action moments, live lessons, a love triangle done right, a girl with priorities, no insta-love and the relationships between each and every person is just fantastic. 

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

I grew up with the Harry Potter series, so this is a no-brainer. I love reading about Harry, Ron and Hermione's adventures. I love coming back to Hogwarts and reading about magic. Everything about this series is wonderful - except for the deaths of course...

The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1)

When I first heard about this series, I knew I had to read it! And even though it took me a while to get into, I LOVED it. I wrote a review of this book too, so if you want to know more about this amazing book, then click the link below. 

Even if you aren't tagged, do the tag if you like anyway, and then leave your link so I can see your cake! 

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